Nov 30

Whit knows 😉

But seriously. I love her all the time. I’d hate for November to have come and gone with out me saying so. So today’s other reason (other than blee-bloo) is that she has taken up a hippie diet with me. We’re gonna get trim and fit even if it means eating weird hippie food!

Nov 6

It’s been a rough week. Shoot – rough TWO weeks. I miss Whit pretty bad lately. She’s been so sweet with my being sick and taking the extra burden brought by my illness. I so appreciate that.

And the other night, she came and curled up next to me on the couch. It was perfect. Love that lady, I do!

Nov 4

It was my birthday on Friday. Whit got up early and blew up, by sheer power of lung and breath, 25 balloons to decorate our apartment. Then, when I got home, she had dinner made and ready for me.

What more could a man ask for?