Watching, for the first time ever, Biggest Loser. There is a pair of twins who weigh 484 and 485 pounds, respectively. I was really interested by the fact that, at that enormous weight, they weighed within one pound of one another.
Whit – “They are very serious about their twininess!”
So. Whit and I have gotten a bunch of wedding stuff done lately. We got all the shoes for my groomsmen, we ordered our ‘favor’ boxes, we booked a honeymoon, we got our stamps (thanks again, Bob!), and we got our candy. 60 pounds of it. And 5800 gumballs. It’s pretty incredible!
It just feels so good to have it almost done!!!
She knows which ones 🙂 It was a little bit difficult, but we’re better because of it.
And for the last couple of days. It could have split a lot of couples up, but not us! We’re forever. Us, cockroaches, Keith Richards, and Cher.
She’s got ’em and I love them on her! And she’s had them gracing that same mischievous smile since she was a wee lass 🙂
1 – She got up in front of the crowd and RAWKED those announcements last night. I’m so proud! And she did it while…
2 – …wearing her Alaskan bomber hat – – – un-ironically 🙂
Because she said, with enthusiasm (and sometimes leaping), each of the following at the Kings / Ducks game last night:
“Hit him with your stick!”
“He’s bleeeeeeeeding!”
Put a camera in front of Whit and she’ll take some great photos. Most recently, she took the photo that will grace our wedding invitations and I think it’s awesome!